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  • Ok, I'll try with the 1.0.0. In the configurator webpage, when I click to v1.0.0, it says it is still dev. version.
  • I'm using the 0.92.9 version, since i've seen that it is the stable version. I don't understand why it work right now, because I just added some tracking messages, not modified the interresting code... I've got 4625 bytes of free memory, but maybe…
  • Ok, It seems that the function GCode::parseAscii never return. I don't know why but it stay blocked at the end of the function. However, if I put some check message, to know where is the code execution, it works well with Ascii and from the server. …
  • In fact, I don't think the problem come from this, but more likely from the firmware, because it has worked (with the server and repetier-host in auto protocol detection) before with an old version of the firmware, but I've upgraded it because the a…
  • Hi, Both are running under linux (fedora for laptop and raspbian for server). baud rate is set to 115200. I also try to 256000 but nothing change. The usb to serial chip is: Bus 001 Device 009: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. CP210x …
  • Hi, I've tried to reduce this value (which was not very high, about 1000) to 100, and it doesn't change anything. Here are the logs from repetier-host: 11:13:01.149 : Printer reset detected - initalizing 11:13:01.149 : start 11:13:01.165 : Tr…