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  • I think you are calling the repetier program the host? If I load a gcode file made in notepad and saved as file.gcode  into repetier I can send it to the printer to print so I think it is host to server and server connects to printer. I have codes i…
  • I have a box along the bottom of the screen that runs the whole way along the bottom with headings such as  'Show in log'      'Commands'      'infos'      etc. When I first open the program the box below the headings says  11:31:42.786 (I assume t…
  • Thanks for the reply. I have checked the view tab and edges, faces and compass all have a black dot against them. The 'object group 1' box on the right side shows my file. I assume I check the log by clicking on it in the tabs below the 'file, view …
  • If I click on the 'firmware type' in the printer settings it stays on autodetect if I click on marlin it ignores me and stays on autodetect. It also has now gone back to filling the log with a large amount of information and then crashing as soon as…
  • I am using a third party serial monitor and sending and receiving data to/from the 3d printer so I know I am connected but the repetier software fails to see it? I have to put a colon after each command, does the repetier manual control do this? If …
  • If I open the arduino IDE, open the serial monitor and set it to 115200 it looks as if it communicates with the printer. I can send commands with the serial monitor such as G1 Z15 and the Z axis moves. It is connected to port 21. Repetier sees this …
  • ?? The anet A8 doesn't use the arduino. It has a dedicated motherboard. I assume repetier -server is trying to connect, it keeps sending m105 (get extruder temperature) and every so often the log shows communications time out  - reset send buffer bl…
  • I have removed Repetier host from my computer and down loaded 2.0.5 without repetier server. The program sees the usb lead and shows a port number  but it has gone back to communication time out - reset send buffer block If I disconnect and chang…
  • No the program loads and works fine till I plug the printer in , it then crashes?
  • I have just finished with the most horrendous problem with CURA so I have deleted it from my computer. Having sorted the problem the computer is now printing from the sd card, when it finishes I will try to connect it without CURA loaded on the comp…
  • Transfer protocol is and was set to autodetect. ack wasn't set but if I set it there appears to be no difference. If I go to manual control and click on Z up I get 1 command waiting, shortly after I get G1 F3 Z100*10 in the log but no ack I am st…
  • I have discovered the baud rate of the Anet is 115200 and repetier is set to that so it is not a baud rate problem. any other ideas would be welcome. thanks.
  • Repetier said:  Never tested with GRBL so can not say how that behaves.Sorry  not GRBL   g-code. I tried to send the above commands to the nano via the manual control box in repetier host a line at a time. It looks to send the first command a…
  • Repetier said: I don't think a nano can run supported firmware. It has only 30kb flash and current releases are much too big for it, so that might be the problem. As far as I am aware all I am doing is sending the GRBL lines G21 G91 G0 …
  • Thank you for the reply. I am not sure about 'compatible software' I am not using the anet hardware yet, it hasn't arrived but I am using an arduino nano and a stepper board that I understand is designed for 3d printers. The one in my first entry o…
  • At the bottom of the screen I get No start signal detected - forcing start and then communications timeout - reset send buffer block as the blue box goes to  'idle' this looks as if it keeps trying to send the command. I have reduced the baud rate …
  • Even if I put the same g code instructions that run my other software (universal gcode sender) I still get the ! command waiting. After a few seconds it goes to idle as if it has sent them but the steppers don't move or seem tight  as if they are …