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  • The leveling was done with the bed and nozzle preheated for ABS and my first layer is height is 0.32mm on a 0.4 nozzle. This is why I find this very strange since nothing that I do is helping to solve the issue.
  • What I mean is that the print does not stick to either the left (x=0, 30) or right (x = 150, 200) side of the heated bed, but in between is ok. After the calibration I thought that the issue of non sticking print to the bed would be resolved but tha…
  • Well did the manual bed adjustment and got it this even Echo:N1036 G28 Info:Autoleveling disabled Z-probe:6.337 X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z-probe:6.351 X:0.00 Y:200.00 Z-probe:6.343 X:150.00 Y:0.00 Z-probe:6.342 X:150.00 Y:200.00 plane: a = -0.0000 b = 0.0000 c…
  • Well I thought that I had missed or that there is some configuration to handled that. I will adjust the bed manually so close as I can and see if that solves the issue. Thank you
  • Thank you for the help. I now managed to do a print and all was almost perfect besides for one new problem that I stumbled upon. I already know that my left side of the heated bed is about 1 - 1.5mm lower than the right side, also according to the …
  • Ok, I will do that. Is there anything else that I need to add to my startup gcode other than G28 and then G32?