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  • And now it's here in ver 1.1.0 :-) Jiiiihaaaah
  • I have now tried with 20x20mm, 50x50mm and 100x100mm plates, and the experience is the same:When printing the edges eg on the 50x50mm:from X0:Y0 to X50:Y0 starts high, and lowers around 0.2mm (around 1/5th lap on the Z-motor with 1rev=1mm)From X50:Y…
  • And same behaviour if i move the print 20mm to the left (X=X-20mm)
  • Unfortunately, i could not get it to work with the manual mode.But i have included below the echo result from the new bed (more level than the old bed around 0.2mm total)Please let me know if you see anything < 20.33.41: ID:537339652 MJ:5.04< …
  • Hi again I was thinking a bit about what you wrote in post no 3 above, about having a point next to the center with much less correction.From the G33 L0 output, i can see that there is a difference from the center point X205 Y220 to the next points …
  • First, Thank you so much for the explanationI have tried printing in the center of the bed, and also around X=40mm and Y=40mm, and the behaviour seems the sameCan i define the Z-correction height anywhere, or is that derived from other values ? I wi…
  • Further testing results:I tried with same block type X=10mm, Y=100mm and Z=2mm (Y being double size)Same result as with the 50mm block. (lifting in the X-direction, also tried with infill of 0 and 90 degrees)But if i rotate it 90 degrees, it prints …