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  • "... is this voltage or resulting amp?" Setting is a voltage but a knowledgeable friend informs me that for these particular drivers the resistor is sized so that there's a 1:1 correlation between voltage and current, thus 0.71 volts equates to 0.7…
  • Considering putting a 1 ohm resistor in each of the motor coil circuits for the Y motor and trying to capture the actual peak current values with an oscilloscope reading the voltage across the 1 ohm resistors.  May even be able to capture the curren…
  • Printer always worked OK with acceleration at 500 before rebuild.   Rebuild did increase mass of Y carriage; original acrylic Y support plate was replaced with 3 mm aluminum plate, incorporating an extra linear bearing (now 4 aluminum pillow blocks…
  • My mistake in the post above, that was an M201 statement.
  • Reduced acceleration to an agonizingly slow setting of 50 with an M203 statement in the startup gcode.  No layer shifts. Increased acceleration to 250, half original settings.  Layer shift. Decreased acceleration to 200.  Layer Shift.
  • Pretty convinced now that crosstalk is not the issue.  After one successful test piece the problem continues.  All five motor cables are now braided and are not routed anywhere near the three endstop cables.  Have a new RAMPS board coming.  There a…
  • MAY have it fixed, mainly by rerouting the X motor cable.  For some reason I was focused on the Y cable and should have given more thought to the X cable as a source of the problem.  Not certain the problem is solved but did print one test piece wit…
  • It's not just one model.  It occurs on any model with one or more of the following situations... a) narrow infill between the inner and outer shells of vertical walls, b) building overhang, c) laying down a narrow section of a horizontal surface.  A…
  • Yes, endstop is at the Y minimum end. I've braided the three conductors to the Y endstop and encased the Y motor cable in braided copper sheathing which is connected to ground at one end only.  There's no change in the behavior of the printer.  Wit…
  • Yes, I'm having the same issue.  It's been ongoing for a couple of months.  I'm at wit's end over what could be causing the problem. The printer is a RepRapGuru I3 clone, from a kit, purchased, built and put in service in Summer 2018. The Marlin f…