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  • The printer I'm using is a Renkforce RF2000, it uses a forked version of the Repetier firmware from 2016. Unfortunately the company doesn't offer any support for the printer anymore, and it uses quite a few features which aren't available in the sta…
  • Changing the if condition to: fabs(p) > EXTRUDE_MAXLENGTH * axisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS] has solved the problem. This should now just check if any individual command exceeds the max length. Is there anything I should be worried about, having changed th…
  • Looking at the code, I think I might have found the problem in Printer.cpp:         p = convertToMM(com->E * axisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS]);         if(relativeCoordinateMode || relativeExtruderCoordinateMode)         {             if( #if MIN_EXTRUDER_…
  • Thanks for the quick reply! Yes, the extruder works fine up until 120 mm. The printer has a menu option where it shows the E position. After every print which had issues (i.e. relative extrusion, and stopping some way in), this value would read so…
  • Update: The problem appears to be with relative extrusion (M83). Any gcode which uses it seems to stop extruding after around 120 mm has been extruded. I doubled the EXTRUDE_MAXLENGTH term, and this then changed. Is there a way around this bug witho…
  • Update: I gave up looking through the firmware, and changed the max heater value to 200 °C. This gave a max overshoot of ~15 °C for the initial warmup. After tuning, I'm still getting a variation of +/- 10 °C during printing though. Would reducing t…