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  • Yes it was with an sd print. Either remove the temp display all together or show the correct ones. I've decided to ignore all temps for now. That's NOT ideal
  • And as a quick aside, this is why open source is better, even with a restrictive license that lets you send even a garbage lawyer after scumball companies stealing your work...I could have just fixed it in the program rather than writing python.  I …
  • Well, the forums wont let me edit that anymore....dropbox is stupid, and makes the link look like its going to a picture, but its not.  So the forums are trying to interpret the webpage showing the picture as a picture and failing.  So you know the …
  • A zip file containing the python script, a sample log file (again showing my horribly unlevel bed, and bad calibration), and a sample png are available at the PNG output if you'…
  • #A quick little python script using numpy/scipy/matplotpy libraries (trivial to install) #to provide a correct height map from repetier logs.  For some reason, in the current #versiom of firmware/host its missing a row and a column when autolevel i…
  • Well, I guess I'll be writing a python script to parse the logs and properly generate a height map.  Its clearly some weird issue with the host.  Firmware works and probes 49 points.  Autoleveling enabled though, it drops a row and column.  Sometime…
  • Hmmm try the data again.... 15:56:49.066 : N881 G1 X-53.33 Y-80 Z5 F4800 *13 15:56:50.981 : Z-probe:4.86 X:-99.45 Y:-62.43 zCorr:0.00 15:56:51.202 : N883 G1 X-26.67 Y-80 Z5 F4800 *12 15:56:52.083 : Z-probe:4.78 X:-72.78 Y:-62.43 zCorr:0.00 15:56:52.…
  • Well, it could be firmware, it could be plugin.  Firmware would use SPI to forward commands onto the next board.  Plugin would send direct to the correct board. I want to keep all extruder pins available as extruder pins, servo pins as servo pins, e…
  • I used debian wheezy. Had to build mono from source using the bootstrap compiler option. Should work with udoobuntu as well. It was a while ago though, so that's all I remember.
  • I just had to dig into the code and see whats going on.  I had actually thought there was more to the code than there is. That's not to say its simple by any means, especially considering the wide range of printers supported.....I do kinda want to t…
  • Hmmm going through the code I'm becoming more convinced of the limitation.  To put it another way, I need my effector to be able to be beneath and "behind" the carriage.  The carriage is long, static.  The radius calculated is just the horizontal ar…
  • Duh, ok, I am tired. Couldn't even focus my eyes tired, so I got ready for bed and figured it out. 256 widths (8 bits of modulation) and a 3906 timer...3906/256=~15.2. So all I need to do is confirm the timer code setting it up and verify its stil…