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  • Repetier-Support thanks for the insight. I Googled about 20 web forums, and they all agreed that Windows 7 and above will not allow a Service to run a program GUI as a tightened security measure. A User needs to be logged in to see the GUI. I tried …
  • I thought I found something, but it is just more analysis without a resolution that might help with diagnosis. On x32 and x64 Windows, there are 2 copies of Notepad.exe - one in C:\Windows\ and a 2nd in C:\Windows\System32\. So I tried running each …
  • Repetier-Support - thanks again for the support. I tried a few more changes listed below, but overall, @execute commands do not work for me. In Sept 2020 I tried installing Cura as my printer server, which required Windows x64, so I loaded that. Had…
  • Yes, I closed the RS webpage, then stopped and started RS Server service after each change to extcommands,xml and then tested the commands and executes. That the commands and executes work on your Windows PC confirms that my extcommands,xml file is …
  • Here is extcommands,xml after revisions. I changed the @execute commands names from Cmd to Exe so as not to confuse them with the other commands. Didn't make any difference on running. Cmd1 C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /C C:\\Windows\\Notepad…
  • Repetier_Support thank you for the quick reply and suggestion. I changed my extcommands.xml as you suggested, revising the existing commands and executes, and adding a new Cmd4 copied and pasted from your example. With the printer powered on and no …
  • I am trying to do what was attempted in the comment above. I have a DOS batch file that I want to run using @execute, and can't figure out why it won't run in RS. Neither the Settings Command button, nor @execute commands work. This is my 1st attemp…