Printer pauses for several seconds when printing curves, leaving behind a zit.

After printing about about 25 or 50 layers the printer starts pausing for several seconds when printing something sculpted.   It also seem to get progressively worse.   Now when printing something with very minual curves, like fillets, and stright lines,  No stoppage, from start to layer 1000, and no zits.


  • After printing about about 25 or 50 layers the printer starts pausing for several seconds when printing something sculpted.   It also seem to get progressively worse.   Now when printing something with very minual curves, like fillets, and stright lines,  No stoppage, from start to layer 1000, and no zits.

    Repetier Host V1.6.2  to Marin/Ramps
  • Sounds like the buffer is running empty. Try disabling filament preview which takes more and more time with increasing complexity. Alternatively use repetier-server as printing engine and connect through host for usage like you are used to. Server has no change on different gcode sizes, so speed does not depend on this. Last speed increasement would be to switch to repetier-firmware with binary protocol allowing faster transfers through smaller command sizes, but normally should work also without.

    This is a problem especially with fine grained small segments as you need to send more commands in the same time to keep up the speed. Speaking of speed - slower printing is also a solution, but who want's to do that:-)
  • Thanks, before I saw yer response  I got rid of a problem with Svchost grabing 50% of the cpu and mem. and fired of one I knew would fail in the past. same problem zits, then I saw yer enlighterment and slashed that eye,  immediate improvement. I do how ever find that I miss watching the simulation of the filament cooling. Am I right to understand that if I starting using server, with Host as the front end I can get the pretty pictures back? Also would throwing more computer horsepower at it reduce the problem.?
  • Yes, printing trough host gives you the heating filament back from the point of connection. So if gets too slow disconnect host from server and reconnect. Then it will start printing from connection point onwards so skipping previous layer making it again faster. And the server does not depend on update speed of host. Only possible problem might be that it takes so much cpu that the whole computer slows too much down and therefore slows server. I personaly have the server on a raspberry so it does not depend at all from a computer and I can even shutdown computer:-)
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