New way to auto-calibrate delta in one shot
There is an online calculator/calibrator for delta printers written in Javascript.
It works pretty good for my Kossel Delta and Repetier 0.92.6. There is no need anymore for neverending manual iterations to get so-so bed leveling - I need just enter my firmware settings, z-probe provided coordinates, enter z-probe values back in to the form and get out-of-the-box parameters that provide pretty flat height map in Repetier-Host. It would be great to have this feature in firmware, using this algorithm or (may be better?) to have another menu in Tools, under Height Map menu that will z-probe and calculate everything automatically and then write it to eeprom.
There is an online calculator/calibrator for delta printers written in Javascript.
It works pretty good for my Kossel Delta and Repetier 0.92.6. There is no need anymore for neverending manual iterations to get so-so bed leveling - I need just enter my firmware settings, z-probe provided coordinates, enter z-probe values back in to the form and get out-of-the-box parameters that provide pretty flat height map in Repetier-Host. It would be great to have this feature in firmware, using this algorithm or (may be better?) to have another menu in Tools, under Height Map menu that will z-probe and calculate everything automatically and then write it to eeprom.
Docpayce: this is not right place to show your inability to use this tool. If you have any concerns - please contact dc42 and stop annoying Repetier with problems that are far from Repetier firmware.
1. Level the bed using endstops correction.
2. Measure height error in the center
3. Multiply height error by 2.2 and +/- the value to/from horizonta radius.
4. Repeat
5. Measure height error in opposite to tower points. Usually 1 or 2 such points will be off the level. Adjust horizontal radius correction for this tower for value that is equal to height error .
Usually 2-3 iterations is enough to get pretty flat bed.
The message on reprap forum:,445488,626121#msg-626121
Now it's just the tool to help with calibration process, but, ideally, such kind of tool should communicate with printer directly, getting all data from eeprom and z-probe and writing calculated results back to eeprom.
For example: to increase hor. radius for X tower to 0.5mm set Delta Radius A=0.5. To reduce - set it with negative value (-0.5).