From G28 to G33 and beyond !
Hi, I'm french, my english is not the best (

I've got a delta and want to prevent futur full re-calibration, after reading the official page from repetier website, I still have few question :
1 - To to a full autocalibration I'll have to send the command (I don't write the manual operation, positioning Z or move carriage ) : G92 -> G28 -> G131 -> G132 S1 -> G32 S2 -> G33 ; seems good ?
2 - If I understand correctly G32 do some magic so the printer see the bed as something totally flat (horizontaly I mean) right ?
3 - I didn't find any advance description of G33 command, does G33 modify the rod length in the EPROM and correct also curvature of the hotend movement? From what I red, its seems to correct the curvature of the bed if this one is not totally flat.
4 - Is there any benefit to do a G32 then a G33, the opposite, or re-doing a G32 then a G33 after a first pass ?
but they do not influence formula at all, all needed is the horizontal distance between pivots when carriage is at the center position.
You get the distance from your vendor or building plans. Measuring yourself is quite difficult. You could but a weight on a string and let it down from upper pivot while nozzle touches bed. Then it is the distance from weight touching bed and center.
So ROD_RADIUS is the horizontal distance between pivots when carriage is at the center positio, so I can directly try to measure it and set to printer radius (with offsets = 0) or compute it from real offsets and real printer radius, right?
I don't have this info, so I can try to measure it with 2 pendulum attached to the screws which fixed the rod. But it kind of an adventure
I think it's easier to measure offsets and printer radius rather than measuring the distance between pivots. Carriage and effector are in aluminum so it'll be easier I think.
I'll give a shot, thanks for your help!