localhost refused to connect and no server menu tab Please help!
I installed the latest version of repetier host (1.6.1), as well as server when prompted by installation. I opened the host to see that there is no server menu tab. I thought they may have removed it from 1.5.6 to 1.6.1, because my other computer with 1.5.6 does have the server tab. I try to open the server (with the other server stopped and cpu on sleep mode) manually by going to programs->repetier server-> start server. It shows a loading mouse, but opens no gui. I thought that maybe it has no front-end other than web, so I tried to go to http://localhost:3344/ and I get the following error.
So, in my attempt at debugging, since the other PC works with 1.5.6 , I tried to install 1.5.6. I completed the install and it still has no server menu tab in the host. I don't know what else to try.
This site can’t be reached
localhost refused to connect.
So, in my attempt at debugging, since the other PC works with 1.5.6 , I tried to install 1.5.6. I completed the install and it still has no server menu tab in the host. I don't know what else to try.
