some minor bugs

edited April 2016 in Bug Reports
Hi there,

first off im very very pleased with the 0.75 update especially the https. Great work.  

now i found some minor bugs within the new update. 

1. when making a user with no rights (every checkmark unchecked) it wil not allow you to login on this user. only when the checkmark "user can print" enabled it wil log you in 

2. i think this is more of a personal thingy but that you now can make your own QR code you also need to specify a port. is there a way to disable the port because i dont use it.

3. the time on the graph from the temp sensors doesnt mach up with the actual time (2 hour differents). when moving over the line a nice popup wil tell you what the temp was on this exact moment, the time in this popup does mach with the actual time. dont know if this is a server problem or just my pi 

this is what i got so far.. dont rush it... just keep up the good work :D


  • I think the time zone is set to  east coast of US  as Im in Australia and its 14:04  but my Server says it's 06:04 am

    I would presume this is why my 3hr print say the ETA is 40 seconds?
  • @Snupple I assume you are referring to ETA in lcd display? Yes, it seems it does not use local time to add ETE also that was my intention. I think the conversion to string made some timezone adjustments there. On web frontend it always adds to localtime and should match.

    I will check also the temp graph as I just saw that you are right with the 2 hour difference (in my case). Strange how someone can overlook this all the time.

    Regarding port, it can not be hidden but you want 80 or 443 if using native https. Will see if I can hide it for these special cases.
  • what i mean whith the QR code is dat now it wil direct you to  but the website my repetier server is running is 

    i can use the QR code as it is, if i click somewhere on the page of the QR code website it wil redirect me to the right site 

  • @Snupple I assume you are referring to ETA in lcd display? Yes, it seems it does not use local time to add ETE also that was my intention. I think the conversion to string made some timezone adjustments there. On web frontend it always adds to localtime and should match.

    I will check also the temp graph as I just saw that you are right with the 2 hour difference (in my case). Strange how someone can overlook this all the time.

    Regarding port, it can not be hidden but you want 80 or 443 if using native https. Will see if I can hide it for these special cases.

    No, this is on the web frontend, the temp graph is  8 hours behind, which seeing as I am UTC+8, that means it's showing UTC?

    The Uploaded file timestamps are correct

    The print progress will look like this (when local time is 22:00:


    ETA in HOST will say -46 seconds

  • juulius port 80 is the same as none for http. So set it to 80 instead of 0 and it works as you expect.

    @Snupple I found the temp graph reason. Flot (the graph library) interpreted it as UTC also time was already local.

    ETA in web frontend is computed by adding ETE to local time in browser. So with negative ETE it might happen. So question is why ete can get negative, but there are many reasons. Should not happen if you upload a new file and print that without changing printer parameters. I guess something there was not updated.
  • aha thanks 
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