Prints are too big on x and y - Repetier 0.92.8


I am now 95% of the way of a functioning 0.92.8 firmware for the Rostock Max V2.

Everything seems to be working, except that my prints are now coming out too big.

A 40mm test cube prints at x/40.86mm y/40.86mm z/40mm.

I am unsure which setting I need to change to correct for this.

Any ideas?



  • edited March 2016
    For a Cartesian printer I would say your steps per mm is off. With a delta I believe it is the diagonal rod length that is off.

    What is your current steps per mm? What size pulleys are you using?
  • Verify your 
    #define DELTA_MAX_RADIUS 
    #define ROD_RADIUS 
    #define PRINTER_RADIUS 

    if they are wrong measures, the scale will be wrong also
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