100k NTC 3950 thermistor as option
Since there are MANY 100k 3950 NTC's out off aliexpress and ebay (with the most sells of all "3d printer thermistors"), maybe it would be a good idea to take this thermistor into the options under "Temperature sensor" as "generic 100k NTC 3950"?
I found out in many forums that all of those chinese 3d prusa i3 printer kits (like hesine, zonestar....) are using this thermistors and using wrong table values.
R25℃ ;100KΩ±1%
B Value(R25/50℃):3950K 1%
Dissipation Factor(mW/℃):1.1~1.6 In still Air
Thermal Time Constant(S):10~17 In Still Air
Operating temperature range: (-50~+260°C)
Dimension: 1.8mm Dia X4.1mm
Lead Length :30mm
There are many tables I found:
or this (looks like the same)
{1001*4,9*8},{1011*4,-1*8},{1021*4,-26*8} }
Thank you very much!
Here's my experiment from the same thermostat, which I bought from Aliexpress, stated as 100k NTC 3950 too.
The temperature is +/- 5C from true value(in my case) above 180C.
I highly suggest using a thermocouple on multimeter to calibrate your thermostat.
Here's my reference:
The purchase link is at the bottom.
Temperature (C), Ohm
So yes, NTC 3950 thermistors are just a cheap solution to spare a correct datasheet for all temperatures and depending on the source they may also vary in how they react at these temperatures. In addition there are also tolerances and 5% tolerance means at 300°C an error of up to +/-15°C would be possible.
i cant find any mistake
What resistance does it have at room temperature. Should be around 100K (for 25°C).
With "M305 B4250" now i've not over 2° of error from 190 to 250°.
With Repetier firmware i read "210°" in the display but the nozzle is at 187!!!!!
that is what gets used for it.