Panicking with my Z probe attempt
Hi, all.
I have a metal bed, that is OK when printing PLA at 45-50 deg.C, but as soon as I want to start to print ABS, the bed bends a lot due to heating and the adhesion, especially with bigger parts, is terrible.
I compiled the 0.92.8 firmware and here is my list of problems and things that went horribly wrong for me:
I have a metal bed, that is OK when printing PLA at 45-50 deg.C, but as soon as I want to start to print ABS, the bed bends a lot due to heating and the adhesion, especially with bigger parts, is terrible.
So my plan was to introduce the Z probe instead of Zmin switch and prior each ABS print do the bed measurement and correct the distortion in firmware somehow.
I made the holder for the probe and connected it, everything seems technically OK, however I messed up the SW setting apparently.
This is a diagram of the situation with extruder on [0,0] position:

I compiled the 0.92.8 firmware and here is my list of problems and things that went horribly wrong for me:
- I used the Z end-stop signal as the input for my Z probe.
- Z probe distance from extruder - I have quite significant distance of the
probe in relation to the head (70mm on X, 9mm on Y). Therefore when I
now push Home X, Home Y, the probe is actually 9mm away from the bed.
So, as soon as I hit Home Z, terrible things start to happen - the
printer will simply never stop. Well - I did stop, damaging one stepper,
stepper driver (on Melzi board) and bending the X gantry... Yay! - I played with it further - I tried to make the bed heat map. Although the
firmware should know the probe distance, it happily measured out of
- Is the probing/heat map/etc.
measuring the height and calculating in at the position of the probe, or
the position of the print head? If it's considering the position of the print head, it's pretty useless
as the relevant spot is at the Z-probe X/Y distance... This seems not
to work OK, or maybe I did not set something correctly in my firmware
(very high possibility). - Is there some protection for the homing
request out of "safe" positions? E.g. like my case, when the probe is
70mm away from the extruder, the last 70mm of X axes should not allow
the "home Z" command, or should "fake" it by moving to current Z=0. Same
applies, of course, to both axes. Maybe, again, I did set something
wrong with the settings... - Also, after resetting the printer, the first move I do is ignored and the printer moves in X and Y direction for some reason - e.g. I press Z 10mm up in repetier-host and instead the printer moves some distance in X and Y direction. Then it stops and as soon as it's stationary, all the commands from there are 100% correct in direction, axes and length. Is there something I am doing wrong, or is this just some "feature"? This, btw, costed me further damage of my bed+print head as soon as I tried to raise the Z axes after printer reboot...
Thanks for the advice, will test it as soon as I fix the HW
Now, I have a clear SW issue with firmware.
To describe it...
I disconnected the Z min switch and instead I connected the Z probe.
With firmware configuration like this:
the printer kinda' works - it is able to work with G29 command to find the Z=0, it is able to run the G32 command and do the 7x7 grid and come up with modification and, when printing, I can see the Z axis moving up and down to get the correction.
However, the problem is, that when I do G1 Z0 F1200 the print head always goes to 0.6mm and stops, considering this is the "new" Z=0.
So, I changed the configuration to this: What I want to achieve here is to tell the firmware I have no endstop, but I have probe connected and I want it to "calculate" the software Z endstop. And that when the probe "hits", it means the nozzle is still 0.6mm from the print bed.
But when I hit G29 to find the Z=0, the probe will get to the correct X,Y position and start to descent - and will never stop.
Luckily, this time I am ready with the power switch, so I always turn it off before I get further damage to my printer...
Clearly I do not understand how this should work and how it should be set.
Can someone, please, advice, what do I do wrong?
So, my plan now is to introduce a Zmax switch, home to max and use the bed leveling for measurement.
I'm not really sure what you mean by the -zProbeHeight - if I understand that correctly, you are telling me, that when the Z probe "hits", the printer "thinks" the nozzle is already 0.6mm below the bed?
So, instead of -0.6 I should have set that to +0.6? I am so stupid I do not even understand a simple picture on your how-to - now, when I read it, it seems obvious I should have used +, not - value...
And a question regarding the 0,0 Z-homing - if I set the bed to be -100,-100->100,100 instead of 0,0->200,200, would it help?
I made following sequence to get me out of trouble, when my Z is too low: This always saves the day