Z Probing, Understanding Max Z-probe -bed distance
Having great difficulty setting up skeinforge using repetier firmware and host. Will be posting to reprap forum in regards to skeinforge in a moment but would like to try and understand this better too.
Trying to probe Z Min with inductive sensor to Aluminum heated bed.
I have set my z probe height to around 1.5 that is a positive value, and that is the value that after homing Z sets the probe head just slightly off the bed where a piece of paper can slide between with slight resistance. I have also set max z-probe -bed distance to 5. when that happens probe keeps just above bed (like .2mm) while moving from point to point autoleveling, I set this to -3 and have a nice clearance of 2-3mm above bed. When I set the value negative I appear to have a massive problem with z being that after 3 layers at .2 each I have a thickness of 2.6mm or so of printed part. I realize I am having issues setting flowrate as well. Setting z steps per mm to calculate 4000 and measure the mechanics of 100mm z move and it measures correctly within 1mm.
In short for z min probing bed, should probe height be positive? Should Max Z probe - bed distance be positive? What is bed distance? Max z height is 160.
Thank you for your time and efforts!!