2 Endstops on one axis

Hello all,
am just bulding my own 3d-printer.
Iwould like to use for the y-axis 2 separate stepper and also 2 (4 ) endstops.
Is there any solution to handle this with the repetier firmware? 
Thanks Alwin 


  • I understand 2 steppers and that is easy with the mirror function.

    2 endstops are possible but must use the same pin and the first triggering will stop both steppers, so that makes not much sense. I also do not understand why this should be necessary. For z axis this is planned for the future as there it might make sense to keep them in sync.
  • Thanks for answer.
    the mirror for the steppers  - ok.
    But my idea is to make an accurate homepositions on both ends if i had an loss of steps. 
  • When motors are off it would sync automatically if construction is stiff enough. Also for the bed it would not matter in most cases - not like z axis where it is a real problem if they are not in sync.
  • You are right, but to have a good speed i cant make a "stiff and heavy" construction.
    So i think i have to wait ... 
    A solution like a "babystep" for the second y-stepper would be nice.

    But now  ALL THE BEST FOR 2016
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