How to get the left edge printer list

edited February 2023 in General
What constitutes a "wide screen" to get the printer list on the left? I get it on my Surface Laptop (3240x2160) but not my Surface pro tablet (2880x1920). Both Windows 11 using Chrome and the desktop site. Shouldn't this be more up to users? I'm running Repetier-Server Pro v1.4.4 on a Raspberry Pi


  • You need a minimum width of 1521px or 3042px for retina with 1:2 pixel ratio. If you reduce zoom level one level it might also happen on your surface.
  • OK thanks 
  • The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) query in PowerShell can be used to obtain the left-edge printer list:
    Select-Object Name, Location | Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * From Win32_Printer"  
    For C#, use System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.Installed printers. Please let me know if you require any additional explanation.
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