How to change the MQTT ClientId of a Repetier-Server

Hi there,

is there currently a way to change the MQTT clientId of a Repetier Server to be something different than its Server UUID?

Best regards



  • No, this is hardcoded so multiple servers can use same MQTT server in a collision free way.
  • Thanks for the quick reply.

    I understand why you choose to hardcode it in the first place, but are there plans to make this an option via configuration in the future? Maybe with a warning hint that the customizing of the clientId is discouraged?

    In the end, as someone who has control over this, its my fault If I use the same clientId twice and cause troubles with my MQTT setup.

    Best regards
  • No plans to change this. Actually any id is good as long as user knows it and why make it complicated by forcing users to select one more key.
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