add a button to switch on/off something on printer status screen

I'd like to add a button to switch on/off a printer action that uses marlin firmware, how do you achieve this?


  • See params.component.ts you have toggle light and power for example:
    <div class="button-icon sep-icon" *ngIf="printer?.config?.general?.softwareLight">
    <rs-button class="secondary outline full" (hit)="printerAction.toggleCaseLights(printer.slug)">
    <i class="rs rs-light fw"></i>
    <h3><?php _('Light On/Off') ?></h3>
    <div class="button-icon sep-icon" *ngIf="printer?.config?.general?.softwarePower">
    <rs-button class="secondary outline full" (hit)="printerAction.power(printer.slug)">
    <i class="fa fa-power-off fw"></i>
    <h3><?php _('Power On/Off') ?></h3>
    And when you see what printerAction does here:
    power(slug: string) {
    return this.connectionHandler.send("send", {cmd: "@runButtonCommand togglePower"}, slug);

    It is just sending a g-code also here it is a server-command. But it could be any g-code marlin can understand.

    On/off is a bit difficult as you must know what the current state is. Easiest is to use server-commands which set a global variable and a @func you could call when button is pressed. With parsing marlin responses you can set the variable when it contains a state change for that setting.

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