Why is Reptier calling out on its own?

My router has flagged some unexpected traffic comming from Repetier Server to an Address in the Netherlands.  There also has been some other traffic from the Netherlands trying to get to my server.

1st - what is this?
2nd - should I block it?

Why isn't this in the manual or some disclaimer saying it is/is-not supposed to be calling out/home to do {what}
as security paranoid people would be very upset...


  • Is this the official installation or from some manufacturer? Our version calls by default only our servers and linux might call nearest timeserver to update clock or linux update server to check for updates.
    It is possible to configure it to contact others, eg. manufacturer might have a own update server they check instead.

    We can work offline except for activating/deactivating license and checking updates/updating. Timeserver should not be blocked on pi because pi forgets time after power off and needs it to set correct time. Without https will not work correctly and timestamps are wrong but all should work for printing.
  • It's an official full license that I downloaded from you.

    I figured it was a license check but forgot about the time check.

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