Z axis over travel

edited December 2015 in Motor Control
Trying to calibrate my X, Y and Z axis, X and Y were fine to start with.
Configuration.h doesn't seem to do any thing at all when i change the Steps per MM.

Eeprom.h steps per mm does change settings but my Z axis moves 4mm when i telll it to move 1mm with the setting: EPR_ZAXIS_STEPS_PER_MM 11.
if i change it to even number motors Hum and doesn't work properly.
I changed it to 9 and nothing happens when i move it manually, changed it too 13 again nothing happens 7, 5 it moves like 1/10 of a mm.
Why is config.h not working?

This is the Full Ardunio file:

Iv only been using ardunio for like 8 hours and im defeated.


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