Repetier Server as Camera only Server
I have klipperised all my printers using the Sonic pad. But since it doesn#t support more than 1 camera, I wanted to use the cameras connected to my repetier server as streamcams with the sonic pad.
Unfortunately as long as repetier server doesn't see and connected printers, it doesn't seem to start the cameras.
I have tho got to a printer setup screen and "restart webcam server" to get them working.
I know this is not the intended function of repetier, but maybe there is a way to do it anyways?
or check /var/log/syslog and you should see it trying to start. If that fails you hopefully also see why. I never start it manually so there must be something that prevents it or stops it later.
Also after boot check if streamer are running
ps aux | grep mjpg
> But trying to call one of the cameras using the given port just shows the landing page of the mjpeg streamer with no video
That is correct. Select stream image and right click on the img stream. You can then open image in new tab or copy the image url, which is what you need. Same as in Repetier-Server just with public ip and not
Is this also with repetier interface that you need to restart? Then I assume something goes wrong also I can not say what. One solution would be to automatically restart all webcams after a minute when booting instead of doing it manually. E.g. in /etc/rc.local before the exit command you can add something like
echo "/usr/local/Repetier-Setup/bin/startAllCams" | at now + 1 minute
but most likely at is not installed so run
sudo apt update
sudo apt install at
sudo /usr/local/Repetier-Setup/bin/startAllCams
which is the same as the button does.
I think rc.local is executed as root so I omitted sudo.