Will this work with adafruit motor controllers?

I have a audrino with two adafruit motor shields. Will I be able to control a diy printer with the firmware?


  • Not very spicific to say yes or no, but my guess is no since motors aren't all you need. You need also circuits for heters and thermistors. And you need stepper motor drivers not dc motor drivers.
  • I'm sorry, i am just starting my first printer and basically am learning about all this as I go. I should have been more specific. I have a arduino mega 2560 with two adafruit motor shields which provide the 4 stepper motor outputs.
  • Ok, so you still need shields for the heaters and temperature sensors and then need to define your own board with the pins. I think it is easier and cheaper to just buy a RAMPS board as shield which combines all you need.
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