Create a boot image Repetier server on Raspberry for SSD drives
After the sudden end - destroying the SD card - I want to switch to SSD and have peace of mind.
Unfortunately, the image for the SD cannot be uploaded to the SSD.
I uploaded the normal Raspberry PI OS 32-bit - Debian Bullseye, via Imager and boot normally and started the OS from the Kingston USB SSD, but when uploading the Repetier server image, everything crashes - via RPI IMAGER the file can be uploaded to the disk, but no boot is possible.
Thank you all for your help.
The same questions here:
Is it possible to create a bootable image we can write to an SSD (PI 3 or PI 4) and then use it instead of the microSD cards?
The same questions here:
Is it possible to create a bootable image we can write to an SSD (PI 3 or PI 4) and then use it instead of the microSD cards?
but maybe do not add option to end of config file. That might be for a special pi version. I know I had it once working.
Our image is just a modified orginal raspbian bullseye linux, so any soltion working for raspbian should work. What might be a problem is expanding filesystem on first boot since it is written for sd card. Try expanding using
sudo rasp-config
Maybe best is to start with fresh image if you changed too much. That will at least start everything. Then set video mode in config.txt and test if it starts. Do not connect ssd - it might have boot priority if it is still bootable. Only when display works proceed so you know where it went wrong.
Needs the latest image with 1.4.9 where I marked it bootable and fixed the expand filesystem solution.
Screen blanking is also an issue on my stick. You can try changing screensaver off and on so the commands for configuration get reset. Need to research this further. Did not change anything so likely the result of updated packages I did not see.