Create a boot image Repetier server on Raspberry for SSD drives

After the sudden end - destroying the SD card - I want to switch to SSD and have peace of mind.
Unfortunately, the image for the SD cannot be uploaded to the SSD.
I uploaded the normal Raspberry PI OS 32-bit - Debian Bullseye, via Imager and boot normally and started the OS from the Kingston USB SSD, but when uploading the Repetier server image, everything crashes - via RPI IMAGER the file can be uploaded to the disk, but no boot is possible.
Thank you all for your help.

The same questions here:

Is it possible to create a bootable image we can write to an SSD (PI 3 or PI 4) and then use it instead of the microSD cards?


  • Should be possible if you have enabled usb boot mode, see e.g.

    but maybe do not add option to end of config file. That might be for a special pi version. I know I had it once working.

    Our image is just a modified orginal raspbian bullseye linux, so any soltion working for raspbian should work. What might be a problem is expanding filesystem on first boot since it is written for sd card. Try expanding using 
    sudo rasp-config
  • Booting Raspbian from the SSD works for me without any problems, and is fully functional. However, I have no idea how to transfer the Repetier server installation to this boot disk.
    I haven't found anywhere else how to transfer the installation, everywhere is only - upload image. Even if I do this and upload the Repetier server image for RASPBERRY to this original disk - and it doesn't matter if I use BALENA or RASPBERRY PI IMAGER, even if I edit the config.txt file the disk doesn't boot. 
    Do you have any advice or a way to do this?
    Probably the ideal option is to create an image directly on the SSD like you have now on the SD card. 
    My knowledge of these modifications is unfortunately no longer sufficient.
  • Repetier said:
    Should be possible if you have enabled usb boot mode, see e.g.

    but maybe do not add option to end of config file. That might be for a special pi version. I know I had it once working.

    Our image is just a modified orginal raspbian bullseye linux, so any soltion working for raspbian should work. What might be a problem is expanding filesystem on first boot since it is written for sd card. Try expanding using 
    sudo rasp-config
    Now after all the experimentation I wanted to go back to the SD card and it doesn't work either. 
    I reverted the boot settings back to SD, when I create a brand new SD with the Repetier server everything crashes and even though the logo flashes for a second and then gets stuck and doesn't respond to anything. The card is fine I have checked it several times.
    Other SDs with Rasbian boot normally and everything is ok. I need to troubleshoot 3D printing not tinker with the set up of these systems.

    Any ideas what could be causing this?
  • Regardin usb stick I have to test when I have more time. Regular sd card should work normally. It did before, and it sounds like it is working except graphics. Resolution might change when xserver starts. If that works out of the box depends on the display. If it has an eeprom that sends possible timings and resolutions it would, otherwise you might need to select the correct timing in /boot/config.txt - see raspberry documentation on option values for video modes. If it is no hdmi display you even might need a extra driver.
  • Just forgot, you can also have boot from sd card and move /var/lib/Repetier-Server to ssd so data is safe. Easiest would be to copy folder and make it a link. Just make sure that the ssd is mounted before server starts. An entry in /etc/fstab should be enough I think.
  • Repetier said:
    Regardin usb stick I have to test when I have more time. Regular sd card should work normally. It did before, and it sounds like it is working except graphics. Resolution might change when xserver starts. If that works out of the box depends on the display. If it has an eeprom that sends possible timings and resolutions it would, otherwise you might need to select the correct timing in /boot/config.txt - see raspberry documentation on option values for video modes. If it is no hdmi display you even might need a extra driver.
    I haven't managed to make a copy of the SD directory to the SSD yet, I have tried the changes on the SD for the screen resolution, but unfortunately I haven't managed to start the server from the SD card yet, it always crashes when going to the GUI, the logo appears and then the image splits( vertical white lines) and turns white.
    But if I connect an SSD drive with the graphical version of the RASBIAN interface everything boots normally.
    If I connect an SD with the same again it boots up without any problems.
    The only thing that doesn't start is the Repetier-server from the SD.

    Any ideas how/what to adjust/set or at least return to default settings?
    Thank you 
  • So calling http://ip:3344 does not provide a interface. Here you should check /var/log/Repetier-Server/logs/server.log to see how far it starts. Normally a bad file would cause it to crash on startup. But I think you mean the touchscreen interface does not appear. When it gets white it is starting xserver and then chromium starts full screen and loads interface.

    Maybe best is to start with fresh image if you changed too much. That will at least start everything. Then set video mode in config.txt and test if it starts. Do not connect ssd - it might have boot priority if it is still bootable. Only when display works proceed so you know where it went wrong.
  • So I've tried all the options.
    In the end, I recreated a clean install - i.e. formatted the SD card and wrote a clean IMAGE to that SD.
    On the existing Raspberry Pi 4, it all crashed again. However, when I replaced this original one with the other one I have at home and it is in its original state without updated drivers to boot from USB. So there this SD card booted without any problems and everything is functional from the SD card.
     Obviously the problem is somewhere in the drivers to boot from USB when it boots it somehow messes each other up, unfortunately I can't get back on the original RPI. 
    I can't think of anything more to do, I've reached the maximum I'm able to do.
    So please very much include creating an image for SSD boot in the development, after all your knowledge of this issue is much greater.
  • Ok, I got it working and wrote an faq entry how I did it, see

    Needs the latest image with 1.4.9 where I marked it bootable and fixed the expand filesystem solution.
  • Thank you very much for the new version.
    I have tested it and installed it on my SSD. And on the original test RASPEBERRY everything ran right the first time and perfectly, including the recovery from REPETIER MONITOR data .
    I salute and respect you... really great work and thank you very much 
  • I have an interesting observation from running a Repetier server on an SSD connected via USB.
    Even if I shut down the printer, no shutdown is detected and the printer still appears to be connected in the server. Likewise, there is no screen blanking and it is still active.
    My guess is that the USB device is still connected - i.e. the disk.
    Or could it be something else?
  • Shutdown worked for me, connection was closed.

    Screen blanking is also an issue on my stick. You can try changing screensaver off and on so the commands for configuration get reset. Need to research this further. Did not change anything so likely the result of updated packages I did not see.
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