Repetier Server on raspberry failed to start
Yesterday i've shutdown the it doesn't start.
I've tried to restart manually but here is the systemctl status log:
RepetierServer.service - Repetier-Server 3D Printer Server
I've tried to restart manually but here is the systemctl status log:
RepetierServer.service - Repetier-Server 3D Printer Server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/RepetierServer.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2023-01-18 21:25:45 GMT; 8s ago
Process: 1733 ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/lib/Repetier-Server (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1735 ExecStartPre=/bin/chown -R repetierserver /var/lib/Repetier-Server (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1739 ExecStart=/usr/local/Repetier-Server/bin/RepetierServer -c /usr/local/Repetier-Server/etc/RepetierServer.xml --daemon (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
CPU: 31ms
Jan 18 21:25:45 3Dprinter systemd[1]: RepetierServer.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Jan 18 21:25:45 3Dprinter systemd[1]: Stopped Repetier-Server 3D Printer Server.
Jan 18 21:25:45 3Dprinter systemd[1]: RepetierServer.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Jan 18 21:25:45 3Dprinter systemd[1]: RepetierServer.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jan 18 21:25:45 3Dprinter systemd[1]: Failed to start Repetier-Server 3D Printer Server.
Thank you for the help....
Thank you for the help....
Also what version and printer firmware are you using?
there isn't files...
If that is empty as you say, you just need to reinstall server. On revent images you just use this command:
Your settings will be kept with the update. Settinsg are all in /var/lib/Repetier-Server while in /usr/local/Repetier-Server our software files reside.
But since files do noormally not disappear that is strange. Except maybe when pi had issues during update. In any other case I'd make a backup of settings folder and make a fresh image. You never know what is wrong when files start to disappear and new image is often best solution.
If you copy /var/lib/Repetier-Server folder back license is activated again. Just wtach out that server is not running when copying them back and you have no permission evenually as you work as user pi. When server is stoppen you can change owner for copy. On restart server will change it back to repetierserver.
sudo service RepetierServer stop
sudo chown -R pi /var/lib/Repetier-Server
Now copy to/from folder with scp software like winscp or any other tool you like.