Heater extruder temperature decoupling
Heater cartridge 65w 24V power
ramps 1.4 Arduino 2560
maybe it's is the 1.0 firmware? As i don't remember it doing with 0.94
24v 65w heater, at 1st power on set point is 230 C Max is set @330 ;
it overruns the 230@C preset by at least 35 Degrees, decoupling By oi at 265-280
seems to always overrun at the 1st power on to 230C
at which point it decuples at 265C Clear the warning, it comes down the set temperature of 230C after the overrun as long as i clear the error no power reset required.
I tried changing PID but does not seem to have any effect just continues to over run the preset of 230C
Open to suggestions
ramps 1.4 Arduino 2560
maybe it's is the 1.0 firmware? As i don't remember it doing with 0.94
24v 65w heater, at 1st power on set point is 230 C Max is set @330 ;
it overruns the 230@C preset by at least 35 Degrees, decoupling By oi at 265-280
seems to always overrun at the 1st power on to 230C
at which point it decuples at 265C Clear the warning, it comes down the set temperature of 230C after the overrun as long as i clear the error no power reset required.
I tried changing PID but does not seem to have any effect just continues to over run the preset of 230C
Open to suggestions
subsequent new prints after the initial power on overrun are
ie 2nd 3rd usually over runs, but at 266 starts then starts to drop back down to the 230 setpoint
found it was set @20 changed, Now set @40 ;
Thank you much appreciated
Looked into the config tool version 1.xx and found this item
said, mine being over by at least 35 Degree C
changed this to 35 Degree C
also changed extruder decouple time period from 12 to 30
if it over runs it cools down to the preset rather then alarm decouple
will continue to try variations to minimize over run
not the best fix but working
set at 250 C (PetG) the overshoot was 30C 281C then dropped back down.
The 35C is just high enough for the overshoot
going to re configure with the tool when i Have some more time to test :>)
very little change still overshoots as long as the alarm is not re-occurring.
going to keep testing to see what if anything drops the overrun temperature.
Of course this after the fact.
My most recent prints have been failing, seems to overshoot then undershoot then decouple after having started printing.
So i am being super hopeful that the auto tune, helps fix this issues
Happy New Year!
M303 E0 S250 C10
Ki 0.02
2nd pass
just m303
Looks real close
M303 P0 S250 X0 R10 C1
KD 30.31
If i read this program sequence correctly it seems to have autosave to Eeprom
So yes X0 would save result to eeprom. You should see it then in eeprom editor of your host.
Makes sense since i changed to higher wattage heater :>)
thank You