Touchscreen not working after new install on Rpi
I have a Rpi 4 with a Waveshare capacitive touchscreen which used to work fine right out of the box.
Recently I ran into problems with my repetier server. Google Chrome always popped up with a privacy screen which I couldn't get rid of (I updated the image once per apt upgrade and what I have been reading in the forums that might be the cause for this.
So I decided to download a new image file and restored the setup from backup. (btw not a straigt forward operation)
First, I was surprised, that the camera settings weren't restored so I set them up manually.
The contents of the screen is now ok, but the touchscreen is unresponsive.
I have changed absolutely nothing not even a single usb connector but it still doesn't react.
The Rpi all in all seems to be much slower now.
Can anyone explain or speculate what is going on?
The new image uses the new video driver by default. If you have pi cam it will use 100% cpu time now for conversion as it won't use hardware encoding then. You can run raspi-config and switch to legacy graphic driver that wa sused on old image.
It contains the chromium start and with
chromium-browser --force-device-scale-factor=1 --disable-features=TranslateUI,Translate --app-auto-launched --disable-pinch --noerrdialogs --disable-suggestions-service --disable-translate --disable-save-password-bubble --disable-session-crashed-bubble --disable-infobars --touch-events=disabled --disable-gesture-typing --kiosk --check-for-update-interval=31536000 --remote-debugging-port=9222 &
it should start without the extra windows.