auto level and z homing
I have a prusa i3 rework.
I want to do an autoleveling before a print. The problem is that my printer start always to print to high.
A the start of my gcode file i use G8 and G29. Can you tell me where is the problem?
I have a prusa i3 rework.
I want to do an autoleveling before a print. The problem is that my printer start always to print to high.
A the start of my gcode file i use G8 and G29. Can you tell me where is the problem?
Thank you for your answer. It's correct, i meen G28. I don't really know the difference between G29 and G32...
I have a big problem with my Z 0. I define it with a G92 Z0 when my nozzle is at the correct distance from the bed but i think this define is not store to the memory of my printer.
Can you help me?
I'm new to Repetier. I just setup the new firmware on my printer a few days ago. I'm also having a problem with z homing and probing. I am switching over from Marlin because I was told Repetier has native 4 nozzle support and superior auto bed leveling. So far, I haven't been able to experience either as I am stuck.
I use a servo with a switch attached. I want to home on Z min.
When I try to home on the bed (Zmin) the servo does not swing out as it does when it's auto leveling. However, the switch does function and I can press it with my finger to stop it from crashing. The arm does swing down for auto bed leveling. So, I can run the auto leveling sequence but I cannot home Z on the bed. So, I guess the question is: How do I make the servo work in conjunction with Z home?
For temporary relief, I changed Z home to Zmax. So, now it homes at the top of the printer (which I don't love but I wanted to get printing asap). This provided me with a new problem. It homes at Zmax just fine but when I go to print, after the auto leveling portion is done, it prints mid air (around 10mm above the bed). So, I thought to myself, ok, let's just fix this by changing the Zprobeoffset or whatever it's called in the firmware. I'm not looking at the firmware at the moment as I am writing this from my office or I would give exact values and names. Well, changing the Z offset did nothing for my cause. It did the same thing no matter what value I used.
I was able to z home on the bed in Marlin with the servo, so I know it's possible. I just have no idea how to do it in Repetier.
Also, what the heck is going on with printing in the air? I measured everything for appropriate values, double and triple checked.
thank you for you answer...
i have tried it but why when i make G32 S2 and turn of and on my printer the result from G32 S2 are not stored in eeprom?
I need to do a new G32 S2.
in the exceptions! In this instance, why do you think home should be z
max? What's your rationale?
You say there is a risk of head crash at z=0, but isn't it exactly the same if you have z max endstop at 200mm, then go 200mm lower from there? The distance to bed might be 199mm or 201mm depending on x/y.. So where's the difference in homing min or max?
Marlin homes to z min using the probe, at the middle of the bed.. That is a good starting point for bed autolevel, just raise z like 5-10mm and start probing again at new points. Then the correction plane is calculated so that this midpoint z=0 is this valid, so later you can home with G28 and z is still correct everywhere on bed.
I compiled a Repetier firmware that has no Z endstops defined, no min or max. It works reasonably well, but G28 wants to go to (unhomed) Z=0, which might be under the bed.. Works fine if I only home X and Y and then use G32, but it looks funny if Z is very high before probing. G32 returns to original z after each probe..
I had to adjust my Y axis a bit so that the probe is above bed at X/Y home. Originally Y home was at -5mm, and probe didn't trigger. But now it is safe to do G28 and it homes all axes.
I think there is a slight bug in the G32 command.. I also have probe X offset 31.5mm. G32 makes extruder go 31.5mm left, no matter what the current X coordinate is.. So if you are at X home, for instance, it will bang the left endstop very violently. But this is fixed by doing "g1 x40" or something like that, before G32..
I made a start script that heats the extruder while doing auto leveling, so actually there is no time wasted at all! Still have to wait for extruder after autoleveling.
Anyway, I'm very satisfied at it now, works really fine and gives excellent results.
I'm using the Zonestar P802Q, steel frame i3 prusa clone with melzi board. They provide two firmwares, Repetier and Marlin, but only Marlin has autolevel enabled. But I got much better print results with Repetier.. Now I have good quality and autolevel in the same firmware.
I asked for firmware sources from Zonestar, they gave me only Repetier source.. It is normal 0.92.8 source, but obviously it was a big help to get ready-made configuration.h.
Oh, I had to disable menu animations, otherwise the firmware would be too big to fit..
Currently it first moves 31.5mm left, before moving to probe point. So even if my first probe point is at 40,40, it still bangs xmin endstops if I start G32 when at 0,0... It tries to go to X -31.5. It would be more logical to move directly to x=40-31.5 = 8.5.