Repetier on a used Mega 2560
Hi I'm Rob from the Netherlands
and I have for a while a 3D printer.
but I'm always messing with software.
Now I had previously Pronterface on my regular PC and Repetier on a Laptop.
Laptop unfortunately broke down so I bought a new one.
Now Reptier liked outstanding so again put on my new laptop. (windows10)
but unfortunately I now get the laptop with repetier not connected?
All software is new on so it's probably something wrong.
Arduino IDE was able to connect to an Arduino UNO so it does work.
I just do not know if everything is working properly.
I do not put Marlin firmware on the laptop because it is not yet in the Mega 2560?
that's what maybe wrong?
I really do not know.
maybe someone can say something?
sorry eventual bad translation (me and Google translate);-)
Friendly greetings from here!