Auto Leveling

  I have a problem with the AutoLeveling fonction on my Prusa.
  When I works from Repeter Host directely connected to my Prusa by USB, this fonction works fine with the folowing code at the begining :
M104 S200 ; set temperature
G91 ; Coord en relatif
G1 Z20 ; remonter Z de 20mm
G90 ; Coord absolue
G28 ; Homing XYZ
G29; Auto Leveling
M500; enregistrer les paramètres dans l'EEPROM
M109 S200 ; wait for temperature to be reached
G21 ; set units to millimeters
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
M82 ; use absolute distances for extrusion
G92 E0

When I works with Repetier Server the code G29 do not appear in the log of the command send to the printer (>Console Screen with Commande ON).
I have add the following code in the printer configuration in the section "Run Before Job"
G91 ; Coord en relatif
G1 Z20 ; remonter Z de 20mm
G90 ; Coord absolue
G28 ; Homing XYZ
G29; Auto Leveling
M500; enregistrer les paramètres dans l'EEPROM

but without success.



  • The server has a bug that it ignores commands with comments without space between command and comment.

    G29 ; Auto leveling

    instead and it works.

    Why M500 if you throw results away for every print? It only costs write cycles of eeprom without added benefit.
  • Thanks for the information.  The problem was effectively from the comments without space before.
    Now it works.

    About the M500, effectively, they are no sens.  This is a copy-past from the documentation deliver with my printer 

    Thanks again for your support.
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