Repetier Server Client for .NET

Hello my name is Marcel,

(German translation below - I am german so feel free to contact me in either language)
(I hope this is the correct place to post this. Please correct me otherwise.)

I recently released RepetierSharp. RepetierSharp is a simple, event-driven client which encapsulates the WebSocket API (as well as the REST API where needed) of the Repetier Server.

The client can be found as a library on my GitHub repository, as well as available as a Nuget package:
RepetierSharp does not yet support the full functionality of the Repetier Server API, but currently covers a solid base, which I plan to expand in the future.

I would appreciate it very much if some of you would try this it and hope it will help you to realize your own projects.

I also plan to release an MQTT client in C# in the near future that uses my RepetierSharp library and makes the Repetier server accessible via MQTT.

Best regards and happy printing


Hallo, mein Name ist Marcel,

ich habe kürzlich RepetierSharp veröffentlicht. RepetierSharp ist ein einfacher, ereignis-orientierter Client, der die WebSocket API (und wo notwendig auch die REST API) des Repetier Servers kapselt.

Der Client ist als Bibliothek in meinem GitHub-Repository sowie als Nuget-Paket verfügbar:
RepetierSharp unterstützt noch nicht die volle Funktionalität der Repetier Server API, deckt aber derzeit eine solide Basis ab, die ich in Zukunft erweitern möchte.

Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn einige von euch meine Bibliothek ausprobieren würden und hoffe, dass es euch bei der Realisierung eurer eigenen Projekte hilft.

Ich plane weiterhin in naher Zukunft einen MQTT-Client in C# zu veröffentlichen, der meine RepetierSharp-Bibliothek nutzt und den Repetier-Server über MQTT zugänglich macht.

Beste Grüße und viel Spaß beim Drucken



  • Great to see such a plugin.

    Regarding MQTT don't put too much work into it - next server release will get a official MQTT integration for typical problems publishing websocket api and some extra informations for e.g. homeassistant or quickly reading status.
  • I'm excited to hear that MQTT support will be included in the next server release - is there a time prediction? ;-)

    It's a hobby of mine, so I'll probably do it anyway :)

  • I guess next week it should be finished. Just a few little improvements and some checks to make it finished.

    At least for linux systems we also now provide nightly builds, see "FAQ -> Nightly Builds" on how to install them if you are interested in latest edge version.
  • Repetier said:
    Great to see such a plugin.

    Regarding MQTT don't put too much work into it - next server release will get a official MQTT integration for typical problems publishing websocket api and some extra informations for e.g. homeassistant or quickly reading status.

    I have been wondering over the last few days what you mean by plugin - now after some reading I finally understand.

    Until today I didn't know that you provide a plugin library for .Net for your Repetier Host application. My application is a standalone library that does not use your library. But now that I know you offer such a tool, I will consider using it in my future projects!

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