My printer is connected to an Coms 4 port on my PC, running windows 10, I have the correct drivers for the printer, but when i un installed, then re installed my Printer, An CTC I3 PRO , Repetier could not connect using the Coms 4 port, only if i use the Vertual cardician port, but then, nothing is getting printed, any idea what i have done wrong, its been a very steep learning curve
Are you using Repetier-Server or Repetier-Host or both? Only one app can access the port directly, so make sure only one is connected.
If you use Repetier-Server make sure to select correct firmware, normally Marlin. The rest will be auto detected if you leave it on autodetect. In host select protocol autodetect and make sure baud rate is correct or no communication will happen.
Sure Com 4 is the right port? Doe sit disappear when you unplug usb? That is the final test.
Also, when you add the printer in Repetier-Server and run a connection test, what do you see?