Raspberry Pi 4 Repetier Server - Webcams
Im struggling to get multiple webcams running on my Repetier Server Pro 1.0.4
It seems the max repetier will let me have is 3 webcams total.
I have 2 x Prusa MK3S MMU2 Printers both with 2 x Webcams each. All that will actually show in repetier is 3 x Webcams and it seems to alternate between the 1 webcam that isnt working, wont show and another.
Is the max webcam count only 3?
Can anyone help?
Thank you
Im struggling to get multiple webcams running on my Repetier Server Pro 1.0.4
It seems the max repetier will let me have is 3 webcams total.
I have 2 x Prusa MK3S MMU2 Printers both with 2 x Webcams each. All that will actually show in repetier is 3 x Webcams and it seems to alternate between the 1 webcam that isnt working, wont show and another.
Is the max webcam count only 3?
Can anyone help?
Thank you
Do you have 2 webcams per printer? Our gui will always only show one of these and clicking on webcam will switch between them. You will only see webcams for mjpg_streamer instances running. So if one stops due to a problem it will stop showing. If you put webcam to a different port it will probably change the port and not show up because you have configured it for a different port. Also check server bolt icon for undervoltage. With 4 cams drawing current this might also be a reason and when linux disconnects usb to reduce current you will loose the stream until reloading webpage and restart of webcam.
So please check which of this might be your problem. On ssh console you can check if 4 instances run:
ps aux | grep jpg
you also see the ports they use in the commandline reported. If they stop running check /var/log/syslog for reasons.
As far as i know both webcams use mjpeg-streamer.
There are no undervoltage or cpu throttle warnings, they GUI indicates 'Never' for both.
I am using a powered USB hub, so all 4 cameras are powered from the Hubs power supply, not on the Pi 4.
From the below, it appears are though its not mounting the 4th webcam. I've obviously tried restarting the server etc.
There is no limit on what gets reported. The reporter sends all files in /usr/local/Repetier-Setup/etc/webcam_ports except last_port. This folder also determines the port assignment an future starts. If the device name exists it is reused otherwise the next port according to last_port is assigned.
But it sounds like you managed to get all running.