Klipper: Boring use of # needed for extended command
Is it really needed to use the # char for extended commands used by clipper ?
I need to use #SAVE_CONFIG instead of only SAVE_CONFIG. The next is, you use the commands in gcode files too and the commandline in Repetierserver is different. (Octoprint have no problem)
A) why is this needed/the difference ?
how is it possible to avoid this ?
I need to use #SAVE_CONFIG instead of only SAVE_CONFIG. The next is, you use the commands in gcode files too and the commandline in Repetierserver is different. (Octoprint have no problem)
A) why is this needed/the difference ?

THX, i hope the next version is comming soon :-) If you need testers for the option, i can test it.
Bleibt Gesund. Ein kleiner Schreibfehler zeigt mir, das auch deutsch gesprochen wird :-)
Stay well ! A small mistake in the post, shows me, you are speaking german too :-)
No need to make it configurable. 2 letters at start is invalid gcode so must be something else and we just send it:-)
And yes, we are a german company and speak german but most members here don't so we prefer english.
Such a macro in Klipper is now working
THX for the update
Thanks, this is a nice feature to get rid of mandatory # prefix for non-gcode commands.
I'm also a Klippers user
nothing more. And Klipper see it like a normale valid GCode Command (in extended syntax)
So, all is good and working now. No problem with the new 0.94.4 version (for me)
The above sample was from Klipper internally, for doing a full Heat Bed Scan. Klipper translate the extended syntax in commands for the MCU.