Not Seeing Temperature Graph

edited October 2020 in Repetier-Host
I’m using an Ender 3 Pro, trying to print a temperature tower for a homework assignment. I need to show the temperature graph as the tower is printed & temperature drops to see how quickly temperature levels out (this is after a few PID autotunes). However, every time I start the print the graph reads until my extruder hits the initial target temperature of 240 & then just stops. My teacher isn’t too keen on being helpful & wants us to find the solution either ourselves or through forums like this, but still expects the results for a grade. Any ideas on what my issue may be & how to resolve it?



  • Yes, the ender 3 pro firmware is broken. It reports the temperatures in a wrong format where all chars are doubled and temperatures etc also. So a clear error in firmware. That is not detected by the host. Our next repetier-server release will contain a fix. Will see if I can add it in host as well. But hope the will detect the error as well and offer a fixed firmware version or maybe they already have. But the error is quite new.

  • Repetier said:
    Yes, the ender 3 pro firmware is broken. It reports the temperatures in a wrong format where all chars are doubled and temperatures etc also. So a clear error in firmware. That is not detected by the host. Our next repetier-server release will contain a fix. Will see if I can add it in host as well. But hope the will detect the error as well and offer a fixed firmware version or maybe they already have. But the error is quite new.

    Can you tell me when the new version with the fix will be available?

  • In 0.94.4 - try e.g. sudo dpkg -i Repetier-Server-0.94.4-Linux.deb for pi where it should be fixed.
  • I'm using server 1.2.1 and it's still not showing with the stock 1.1.4 firmware. (I'm upgrading that machine tonight to the 1.1.5 board so we'll see if that fixes it - it works fine on my other printer with the 4.2.7 32bit board. the 1.1.5 board was pulled out of it so we'll see shortly.)
  • > I'm using server 1.2.1 and it's still not showing with the stock 1.1.4 firmware.
    what are you not seeing? Did you enter any extruders in tools configuration? Only if there are any defined you will see temperatures.
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