Server commands
2 things.
1. On the new raspberry Pi image I can’t scroll through the server commands. I have 4 relays set up. But can’t access all them.
2 if I don’t use the raspberry Pi image , but install over the raspberry Pi os, I don’t have the server commands page. How can I fix it so I do?
1. On the new raspberry Pi image I can’t scroll through the server commands. I have 4 relays set up. But can’t access all them.
2 if I don’t use the raspberry Pi image , but install over the raspberry Pi os, I don’t have the server commands page. How can I fix it so I do?
What do you mean with "I have 4 relays set up. But can’t access all them." - do you not see them in the list also you defined them or do they just not work because configuration was bad? Typical problem here is that you forget that scripts are executed as user repetierserver so that user must have permission to read and execute your referenced script. If you use sudo you must put that script in the sudoer allow list for repetierserver as you can not answer the password question, so sudo must work without that question for user repetierserver. As a simple test run
sudo -u repetierserver yourcommand
in the shell. Then you see if it would work or why not.
I have 4 relays setup. they all work, but I can't get the page to scroll up to access relay 3 and 4. it worked fine before the update. not sure how to fix