Trouble in changing function "PrintLine::queueDeltaMove() "
I try to understand the PrintLine::queueDeltaMove() function. However, I find this function only calculate how many steps the motor should move. I can't find the function to drive the motor. Could anyone tell me where is the function please?
Could you please specify how much time in one tick of returned bresenhamStep() value?
I mean if it returns 2000 is it 2000 * 0.1 micro seconds?
I'm learning how this firmware works to make some twiks here and there and I just made some measurements using Arduino DUE.
I placed port manipulation (with direct register access so no Arduino overhead) code inside timer1 interrupt handler and I got 476 us intervals for 10000 ticks value bresenhamStep().
If i calc 10000 avr @16 MHz ticks I will get 400 us interval.
Do I understand correctly that this difference doesn't matter that much and Arduino DUE will driver steppers just a littile bit slower?
Can lowering tick value make printing faster?