Printer won't move after latest upgrade to Raspberry Pi image
Upgraded my Repetier Server Pi Image to the latest version and now the printer won't move! It seems to send commands and get responses but the printer just sits there and does nothing.
It was working fine with no issues with version 0.92. After upgrading to the new 0.94.0 build when I send a command I get errors like...
I followed these instructions...
Everything seemed to go very well during the migration to the new version. It just won't control the printer now... Any ideas?
It was working fine with no issues with version 0.92. After upgrading to the new 0.94.0 build when I send a command I get errors like...
Recv:16:17:37.444: okBut the printer is not moving at all.
Recv:16:17:37.444: Slow command added:G28 Y0
Send:16:17:37.444: Resend: N16 G28 Y0
Recv:16:17:37.451: Error:Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 10
Recv:16:17:37.451: Resend: 11
Recv:16:17:37.460: ok
I followed these instructions...
Everything seemed to go very well during the migration to the new version. It just won't control the printer now... Any ideas?
which firmware are you using? Mk4due had a bad entry and you should update - not sure if i fixed that one in 0.94.1 or 0.94.2 beta which you can install only manually by changing download link to that version.
Just a heads up I found the area to update via the Web Gui and I noticed there was a new Repetier-Server stable build to download (ver 0.94.1). I downloaded it and did an auto-install. I guess it worked because the update screen now shows "You are already using the latest version.". However, the build number at the top still shows "0.94.0" when I would expect it to show "0.94.1". (Not important but some feedback... If I open the web GUI up in an incognito window it shows the correct version number. So that tells me it's some type of caching issue. I tried to reload the non-incognito window with Ctrl+F5 for a clean reload of the page but that did not work either.) My question above about the updating was specifically about the BETA BUILD if you wanted me to try that.
I didn't understand this comment (quoted above). What do you mean when you say "by changing download link to that version"? How do you do that?
What i mean with changing download link is to copy the link on our download link and replace the version number in it and download 0.94.2 manually to install it as described for first installation on linux. Since it is not official you can not use the autoupdate function until it is released. It fixes a problem you might have when a print is finished, but not all have it. And it might contain the fix to your special problem also i think 0.94.1 has fixed. Or does it still fail after connect?
I was looking at everything trying to understand all the pieces of the puzzle called 3d printing. In doing so I noticed that my printer uses the Marlin 1.1.6 firmware. Currently, on I see the latest release is Marlin That is quite a jump from my current version. Should I upgrade my printer's firmware to that latest version? Or do you think I should use a different firmware? OR... Should I NOT upgrade the firmware?
If upgrading Repetier Server to version 0.94.2 beta will not help the issue I'm having (where I turn on the printer and raspberry pi, it shows connected in the Repetier Server Web GUI but when I go to control and home everything nothing happens) then I would rather not use the beta version. From your response, I'm not sure that upgrading to the beta build will help me with my issue though. If you think it will please let me know and I will give it a shot. But first, I want to see if upgrading the old firmware will help so please give me your advice on that more than anything.
After understanding that and looking up G-Code M117 I found that was an issue trying to set the LCD settings! It just so happens one little tiny thing I changed RIGHT AFTER I FINISHED THE UPGRADE was that little dang setting (Printer Settings>Connection>Show on Printer LCD Status Line). I changed it from "Rotate" to "Show ETE" just so the remaining time was shown on the LCD. I figured that was an improvement and was happy with myself. Then I ended up shooting myself in the foot because there was an issue with it right out of the gate! LOL, I think that might have actually been the ONLY thing I changed too...
Anyway, so I changed the setting back to "Rotate" then saved the settings and unplugged the USB cable from the Pi and plugged it back up (keeping in mind the actual printer in unplugged at the moment so I can kill the power to the mainboard).
Now I have this current log...
So my next steps... I think I have read up enough and feel good about upgrading to the new Marlin f/w Hopefully, when I do that and load up the Repetier Server again it will play nice with my new firmware.
Also, because no commands can be issued using raw commands in Repetier Server because the firmware locks and new commands because a bad one was sent on line 12, I'm going to use the old SD card I kept a copy of (pre Repetier-Server upgrade). This way I can run commands like "M503" to copy the old settings into a file for later use.
sudo nano marlin.xml
maybe it is Marlin.xml
search the line with @getip and remove it and then save and restart server. Then it should connect fine.
Will check on the issue when I‘m back and wonder why the other others using marlin don‘t seem to have the problem. I know I added problem that in mk4due firmware description But marlin was not a problem so far.
Do you have marlin selected as firmware in connection config? Because e.g. reprapfirmware has no problems with it so we send it there with line numbers, so feason can also be a wrong selected firmware.
Just checked on the Firmware selected in the settings and I was using RepRapFirmware. Is that a lot different?
With the new firmware and server upgrade everything now seems to be working (even the bed is heating up quickly since I disabled "//#define PIDTEMPBED" in the Merlin config. The only thing that is not working is when I set a temp on the bed and extruder the heating range is so far off. Ex: I set an extruder temp of 180 and it never stays at 180. It keeps going from 174ish to 185ish.
See the following image as an example.
Any ideas why?
Your temperature problems are firmware problems. Reason is that your PID values are not calibrated well. Guess you had other values on previous version that worked better. There is a autotune command - i think M303 to find better parameter, see marlin docs for options.,875120
I have posted the original firmware config used (Marlin 1.1.6) as well as the newly upgraded firmware config used (Marlin You can see in there I used the same values (default) for the PIDTEMP config.
Just ran the auto-tune command...
I have updated those values in the config and recompiling them now. Then after the reflash and another test I'll post back the results.
Also, I tried doing the same for the bed using the config setting:
When that is turned on it takes FOREVER for the bed to heat up and the autotune on it fails. Any ideas what I can do there to make that successfully give me results I can fine-tune bed heating with?
changed to
changed to
Seems like that would make a big difference. Before changing these values and flashing again, when running the tests my printer reached about 87 degrees and sounded an alarm then shut off. I'm hoping the tests I'm currently running turn out better now.
It ran for about 10 minutes and then tossed me the following error...
I found out that I needed to get the temp near my target for testing (90 degrees) first. Then I could run the test and get back the following results...
So I'm going to try and use these new values in my firmware configs and see how that does.
I got back the following results...
Thanks for all the help getting me set. I think my biggest issue aside from the wrong firmware selection in the Repetier-Server printer settings was the values I needed to change in the advanced config file listed in my previous post. I think I'm all good now and about to run my first test print since upgrading the Marlin firmware and Repetier-Server software.