Wont Start with USB plugged in.
OK, Pi works fine with Octoprint, But I kinda liking Repetier better in some ways. anyway, got it all up and running, but any time I go to start up the Pi/Printer, Repetier wont start up with the printer plugged in. Unplug printer, fire up PI, everything fine, plug in printer then, connects/works fine. restart, wont go till I unplug the printer again. not a power thing, I Checked all that, the Pi uses a "PI" power supply. Go back to Octoprint and no issues. I know everyone's going to say it's the PI or a power thing but it works fine with Octoprint which is generally more finicky about power. and the printer is on so it's not drawing off the PI to power the printer. Oh and if power off on printer and fire up with plugged in it fires right up. So "likely" not a hardware thing. I'm thinking there is some setting I'm missing in the confg somewhere?
vcgencmd get_throttled
and it returnes 0x0 you had no power problem since start. Next release has even a monitor to show such problems.
But it is the first time I hear about a printer preventing preventing start up. So first question is, is it usb connection or real serial connection?
Also you say repetier does not start. Does linux start then? Can you login using ssh?
If server runs can be tested with
ps aux | grep tier
If it really does not start try
sudo /usr/local/Repetier-Server/bin/RepetierServer -c /usr/local/Repetier-Server/etc/RepetierServer.xml
and see until where it starts. Maybe we know more then otherwise we need a harder test to see what is going on.
USB to printer, seems like it anything is plugged into USB the PI just stops, but again, works fine under Octo, so only change it the SD card/firmware/OS or what ever... ?