Need some help to tweak the prints
Velleman K8200.

Mega/RAMPS, running Repetier-Firmware v0.92.3
Just got the printer's manual controls operating again after a catastrophe involving the previous firmware and the build quality thanks to the previous owner. I'm having the following issues based on a 20mm hollow test cube that I'm trying to print.
1. Print not centred. I place the object in the centre of the bed in Repetier Host v1.5.4, but the print actually occurs towards the front left of the bed. Definitely not in the centre.

2. Print dimensions incorrect. The 20mm cube is printing at ~25mm.

3. Print crooked as it builds up layers. Not every layer is off, but many are. I've checked and the print is stuck to the bed and is not moving.

1.8° per step
1/16th microstepping
5.08mm belt pitch
Tooth count 10
Which results in 62.9921 steps/mm on X and Y axes.
Once I set the firmware to 63 steps per mm for X and Y, it turned out to be the best test cube I've ever printed
However I gave up on the K8200 earlier this week and sold it, and yesterday I bought a Mendel90 - which I'm happy to report is printing exceptionally well!