Pi4 model B not working with image V19
My old Pi3b+ got fried while working on a project that is not repetier related, and got myself a new Pi4B. used BalenaEtcher like normal, but it would not boot up with that image.
I have tried Raspbian and that work, so I know the Pi is good. Anyone else tried this and got it working?
I have tried Raspbian and that work, so I know the Pi is good. Anyone else tried this and got it working?
How far does it come when booting? Any special hardware (display) connected?
which would start the xserver with chrome etc, meaning the part you are missing. Please run that manually after logging in and see if anything happens or if you get an error message.In file /boot/repetier-image-setup.txt you can disable starting chrome by setting RUN_CHROME to anything different then 1. But as it runs on first run a assume it did not change on it's own.
the boot partition? It should have fat format and readable. If not the iso file might not been unzipped when storing it.
Also check sha1 checksum to be correct:
sha1sum Repetier-Server-Image_0_93_0_v19.zip
de910ac14edf8be702419139487f7ecb23475f1b Repetier-Server-Image_0_93_0_v19.zip
I added printscreen. It is fat32 and I could read it normal. I unzipped it and used BalenaEtcher to make the iso image just like I do when making the raspbian sd.
checksum is de910ac14edf8be702419139487f7ecb23475f1b