Motor control in Rep 9.23
I have several printers and i want to use rep firmware on the 3 deltas. 2 are under construction (a folgertech Kossel pro, and opem beam mini kossel pro, and a rostock mini pro)
I have had to rebuild the rostock mini pro firmware from scratch, i have all printer vitamin specs, motors gears, belts and dimensions.
i have done my best to get things correct, the printer homes, but after the end stop checking routine which levels the gantry, raises, bumps all stops, backs off then rises again properly., however the motors continue to make a sound and eventually the printer experiences some kind of error and the motor (last time i checked it was the y tower goes dead and the axis can be moved by hand. attempting to re home then pulls effector into one of the towers. i know the motors and end stops are good. i have checked them with g-code M119 and they all are correct.
my stops are normally closed and open at tower limit.
it seems like a stepper control problem but i am not sure. all stepper drivers have been tuned to the correct v-ref voltage for the motors but i will double check them (again) and i have extra motors and stepper drivers i could use if required.
I am using an arduino mega 2560 and RAMPS 1.4 and Pololu DRV8825 Stepper motor drivers
they should be stepping at 1/16 and support stepping as far down as 1/32 and have a continuous current rating higher than my motors.
i want to use 1/16 or 1/32 stepping. and eventually support auto level. at the moment there is no z-probe or hot bed attached to this printer
Axis motors are 1.8° step angle (200 steps/revolution), axis belts are 2mm pitch GT-2 type belts with 36 tooth pulleys
the remote extruder motor with planetary gear box (gear ratio: 5.18) uses a standard 8mm-diameter D type output shaft, and has a 1.8° step angle (200 steps/revolution) 11mm output diameter
also i have a long Bowden tube (1meter long) and could use a recommendation for a load/unload/filament switch settings.
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// *** These parameter are only for Delta printers ***
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Step size of stepper driver (A4988)
Step size of stepper driver (Drv8825)