Bed will not level in print with dozens of trials
This is the bed height with auto leveing.
I've recently configured and uploaded the Repetier firmware on my custom made delta printer. And when I calibrate with changing EEPROM values and endstop heights, it will never have a flat bed. There is always more than 1mm of difference in areas around the bed. I've tried changing Tower endstop offsets, rod length and printer radius values up and down. It will not calibrate right.
This is the one of the bed height map I got without auto leveling using the z probe.
But when I print with auto leveling the print head moves up and down abruptly when it moves side to side. More than 1mm of height, definitely not as shown on bed height map. Can someone please help me with this problem. Or is there something really obvious I didn't do?
Note: I've down the auto leveling exactly as said from