camera on raspi not work

edited September 2019 in Bug Reports
I downloaded latest (v18) sd image for raspi and install it. But i can not start my webcam on the printer.
I use the man:
It just not work.
In /dev/ i can not see video folder.
Web cam is SVEN IC-310.


  • V18 image has the stuff already preinstalled, no need to do anything except connecting webcams. The folder is /dev/v4l the /dev/videoX are only files.


    pi@Felix:~ $ /usr/bin/vcgencmd get_camera

    supported=1 detected=1

    and you should see if linux support spi cam and detect it. If it i snot detected try cable other way around.
  • Repetier said:
    V18 image has the stuff already preinstalled, no need to do anything except connecting webcams. The folder is /dev/v4l the /dev/videoX are only files.


    pi@Felix:~ $ /usr/bin/vcgencmd get_camera

    supported=1 detected=1

    and you should see if linux support spi cam and detect it. If it i snot detected try cable other way around.
    I can see it:
    $  /usr/bin/vcgencmd get_camera
    supported=1 detected=0
    but i use manual. Can it broken after the manual?

  • edited September 2019
    Before i reinstall repetier-server the web cam worked good.
  • I reinstall the image to sdcard it now it work from box! Thx!
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