Manual (v. 0.91)

Am trying to find the documentation of Repetier firmware 0.91. The file "Repetier.ino" contains a list of commands. but no explanation of the syntax. It also says "look here for descriptions of gcodes: and". Both these links are dead. Does anybody know if the manual is available anywhere?


  • I use this link as a reference. It covers most but not some of the really specialized codes.
  • That list is available elsewhere also. It is just a general summary, not a complete manual. I am interested in the command M206, and there is no explanation of all the possible formats or what the different codes mean.
  • There is no documentation apart form that.
    M206 T[type] P[pos] Sint(long] [Xfloat] - Set EEPROM value

    Use T and P from M205 output to set the value. Use S or X for value depending on the type (int or float) the target has. If M205 contains a dot it is float otherwise it is int.
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