Multiple cams page layout
How can I show multiple cameras on 1 page?
Under the camera selection dropdown is it possible to have an all cams option?
Under the camera selection dropdown is it possible to have an all cams option?
I have 3 cams (low res) on a single printer running an RPi 3B+, which amazingly seems to handle it fine, I will be upgrading to v4 soon, so 3 would work for me perfect ????
The way the webcam page is written does not allow 3 cams. That needs deep changes for which I currently have no time, hence my comment when I make it a widget in the app I can do it more easily by just having Layouts for 1, 2 or 3 webcams selectable. Then I add it.
Pi 4 is ordered but the say november:-( Anyway, I think if you start image on pi3 and upgrade to latest kernel it should work on pi 4 as well. Will do so for next image as well, also I can not test that until I have my pi 4.
Can we rename the camera drop downs then?
Change the naming from
Webcam 1
Webcam 2
Webcam 3
Reports for delivery differ from source. Seems most get only small quantities first so will take a while before it is available everywhere. Or it the model I ordered that will get produced later.