RequestPause:Homing failed! message and weird coordinator during Bed Height map

Somehow I got RequestPause:Homing failed! (and then stop any motion) message when I home from the position g1 x55.05 y54.91 z2
which is also from the position g1 x-55.05 y54.91 z2. Which is top right and top left.
But I got not a problem when homing from position g1 x-55.05 y-54.91 z2 and g1 x55.05 y-54.91 z2. Which is 'same distance from the center' but to the bottom right and bottom left.
And I also this issue when homing from g1 x55 y55 z2. I feel like somehow the firmware give up for not seeing the last homing slider.
Any idea why this happen? could I mess up a configuration?

The other question is:
why I got the host (and the LCD) show X55.05 and Y54.91 coordinate while I am doing Bed Height Map for Xmin:-55, Ymin:-55, Xmax:55, Ymax:55. Kind of strange, right?


  • Homing - what happens during homing? Shoudl only happen if printer height (delta right?) is too low to reach the top in 1.5*zlength.

    Height Map: These could be rounding issues (only step precision for calculations) or come from bed rotation and coordinate changes. Z probing always disbales rotation and enables it back afterwards so you get a coordinate transformation added when reporting.
  • yes this is delta printer.

    is that 1.5*zlength could be adjust?
  • In eeprom settings you can set zlength.
  • But I thought the z max length is automatically generated by the autolevel G32? meaning I should not change manually after the G32 is finish.
  • Yes, that is what G32 does and once it did 1,5*zlength will be outside the printer so homing always works. But if you start with a much too small value homing will not succeed if you start too far away. So you should start with a value that is near the truth, then autolevel and you are done.
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